It's finished. I enjoyed tatting this motif. Iris designed it so that we could continue making further motifs and turn it into a doiley which I thought was a great idea. With the aid of her computer Sherry turned it into a doiley which is fabulous and makes me want to have a go.
An embroiderer, lacemaker, in fact all crafts interest me it is only my full time job that prevents me from doing more. When I am not sewing you might find me in my garden. Widowed, children grown but still don't seem to have enough time for everything I want to do. Committee member of my local branch of the Embroiderers Guild for several years which also keeps me busy.
Goldwork Butterflies for a Good Cause
Today, I’m presenting you with a different kind of book review. A
Kaleidoscope of Goldwork Butterflies is a project and …
Two more
Today I tatted two more pattern repeats of Renulek's Spring Doily 2025. I'm
guessing that it takes me a little over an hour to tat one pattern repeat.
Introduction to Tudor Embroidery - Finished
The five finished samples were combined into a single display. The
background was quartered with the Ecclesiastical Flower Motif, the Berkeley
Grape Vine,...
A bit of my history!
It was waaaayyyy back when I was raising kids and working full-time that
this article was published in the local newspaper. I hope you can read
TAST Week 7
Take a Stitch Tuesday Week 7 Basic TAST This week’s basic stitch is very
simple and very useful. I am encouraging people to learn and use Seed
stitch als...
Happy New Year
Happy New year to all. I hope you had a wonderful new year? Mine was not
too bad :-) Though I did not stay up & party. I did hear everyone else's
Sora's Quest
Hello Tatting and Blogger Land, I would like to recommend "Sora's Quest" by
T. J. Shreffler if you have not read it. It is a great fantasy book well
worth ...
I took a class today with the wonderful watercolorist Rena Brouwer!
Unfortunately, I didn't do it justice. She gave lots of great tips and
advice - I just ...
Lovely work! I have yet to finish mine! :)